Friday, September 18, 2015

Short and Sweet

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The Wednesday class for revising our summaries was a life saver. After the first essay alone I looked down at my paper and thought of a few explicit words. I borrowed a pen from Betty and just started writing all over my paper. The biggest thing I took away from that class was the phrase "short and sweet." I need to chop a lot of stuff from my summary; cut out the play-by-play aspect. My sentences flowed in an analysis type way. The words need compression. I really screwed up the aspect of a summary after I reread my paper. Honestly, forgetting a title is a mistake a 3rd grader should make and it is pretty hilarious to think that I go to college and forgot a title to my paper. Aside from some formatting mistakes and basic blocks of a summary, my grammar and spelling was pretty solid so I have that going. I know everyone's rough draft needs work but that revision class really solved so many issues for my paper.

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